Unique Time Capsule Ideas That the Future You Will Appreciate


A time capsule is a container full of memorabilia from a certain time that is meant to be opened later. Creating a time capsule is not only a creative and thoughtful way to pass the time, but future recipients of the time capsule—including the future you—will be grateful for the glimpse into a different time.

Although you can make a time capsule from any old shoebox and current newspaper clippings, why not bring your time capsule to the 21st century with these fun, creative time capsule ideas? The following time capsule ideas are not only fun and hassle free, but they can be accessed quickly and preserved forever digitally (as well as printed and preserved in your home if you prefer).

Create a Playlist of Songs

A song can take us right back to the family road trip where we first heard it, or it can remind us of the best friend who loved belting out the lyrics. According to experts, music can cue memories, making it a perfect time capsule for our experiences.

girl listening to musical time capsule, wearing headphones

Making a music time capsule is relatively hassle free; you can create a playlist of songs on your favorite music platform, or simply write down a list of songs that capture a moment in time. This time capsule idea can be flexible and doesn’t have to include songs you are listening to right now; it can have a theme based on certain people or experiences. Here are some questions that can help you decide what to include.

  1. What song are you listening to on repeat right now?
  2. What songs remind you of your parents or a close friend or family member?
  3. What songs do you listen to when you’re feeling sad? What about when you’re happy?
  4. If you had to pick songs that defined the previous month or year, what would they be?

Save Your Favorite Online Messages

It’s not uncommon to save old birthday cards and letters, but what about the online communication between family and friends? Some of the most heartfelt interactions—and funniest exchanges—can happen over text or instant messaging.

screenshots of text messages, which can be used for a unique time capsule idea

One of the easiest ways to preserve these conversations is to create a screenshot of them from your phone or computer and then add the image to a digital album. Give the folder or album a label like “Favorite Text Messages” or “Family Group Chat Moments That Made Me Smile.”

Take Photos of Your House and Hometown

You might have a hundred photos from vacation, but what about your daily life? Years from now, you may wish you had captured everyday ever-changing places such as your daughter’s childhood bedroom or the full-of-character family car.

Create a time capsule of your home by photographing your bedroom or making a video tour of the house. The time capsule idea doesn’t need to be limited to your home; take photos of your favorite local haunts, or draw a map of your hometown and make notes in the margins about your favorite restaurants and places to visit.

young girl in blue dress

Capture the Latest Fashions

Crack out your camera and favorite outfits and start snapping photos! Because fashion trends are always changing, opening a fashion time capsule can offer the most rewarding then-and-now comparisons. You may find your future self simultaneously laughing about and feeling nostalgic for the old trends and outdated outfits.

You can also collect and save fashion photos from online or from a magazine, but the photoshoot sounds more fun and is more personal.

Write about Your Favorite Memories

It’s never too late to create a time capsule, even about things that happened to you years ago! Start recording the experiences and memories that you never want to forget. Although you can write down these memories on paper and tuck them away in a safe place, a digital time capsule ensures that your recordings won’t get physically damaged or lost in your home.

Record My Memories not only provides writing prompts for your time capsule, but you can preserve your memories online at FamilySearch.org.

record my story screenshot

Discover Your Already-Made Time Capsule

Did you know there’s already a time capsule out there made just for you? The FamilySearch All about Me experience has all the classic time-capsule information you need. For different times in your life (your birthday, for example), the experience will show you the cost of gas, that year’s most popular movies and music, and top news stories at the time. Explore your time capsule today!

All about me experience, a ready-made time capsule

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