Learn about Your Scottish Heritage


Do you have Scottish blood running through your veins? Scottish heritage and Scottish history is rich and expansive, and there are many ways to discover your Scottish family history.

Scottish clans are a great way to research your family history. A Scottish clan is a group of people who band together because they share a surname—a family, really. Clan names are also tied to land, and often clans had a leader. They would create their own shield and tartan pattern. Ancient clans started as far back as the 12th century, and each generation has added to it. Today, over 50 million people have some sort of tie to Scottish ancestry. 

There are many ways to begin researching and discovering your Scottish heritage, but the resources below are a good start!

a graphic showing fun facts about scotland
A graphic showing the populations of scottish people around the world

Ancestry in Scotland

Learn how to discover your own Scottish ancestry! FamilySearch has free online collections to help you get started, as well as the FamilySearch wiki to give some guidance. Many groups of people have Scottish heritage, so you may find some piece of your history in Scotland.

Scottish Folklore

Scotland has a rich tradition of folklore, with fascinating stories. Read more about how the history ties to Scotland’s great folklore.

Highland Games

Scottish culture and Gaelic traditions come to life during the Highland games, which started more than 1,000 years ago. There are various hard-hitting athletics at the Highland games, and many families like to recreate some variation to celebrate their family history.

Scottish Sayings and Dialect

Although Scots speak English, there are many twists and turns in the Scottish tongue. It’s fun and easy to pick up on a few Scottish sayings and feel like you are a true Scot. This article explains what some of them mean and gives you the chance to try a few.

Castles in Scotland

Finding your family history in over 1,000 castles in Scotland can be an interesting adventure. Learn more about the castles and some of the stories these ancient relics hold inside.

Scottish Names

Many traditional names we hear today derive from Scotland.Find out if your name has Scottish roots, or if you know you have Scottish ancestry, learn the names that might be in your family tree.

The Scottish Kilt

The Scottish kilt can be traced back to the 16th century. Learn about the belted plaid, which holds historical and family significance to many who claim a Scottish heritage.

Enjoy many of the articles linked here to get started on your journey of discovery of Scottish family history and Scottish heritage. The journey will be rewarding, entertaining, and meaningful.

Your United Kingdom Heritage

About the Author
Rachel loves family storytelling. She has been a professional writer for over 20 years. A graduate of Weber State University, she has had articles featured on LDSLiving.com, churchofjesuschrist.org, FamilySearch.org and Meridian Magazine. She has been a speaker at RootsTech, Weber State University Family History Conference, Conference on Family History at BYU and the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree.

Rachel also works with Evalogue.Life, where she writes and teaches professionally. She helps people tell and write their life stories and has written six life stories with several more in production. She and her husband Mat have six children, and she recently became a grandma! She and her family live on the East Bench in Ogden, Utah.