Preserving Memories to Preserve Your Family’s Legacy

Mother and daughter looking at family memories together.

Are you interested in preserving memories of important moments?

How can you keep your legacy alive for future generations?

Do you want to preserve the memory of your deceased loved ones?

How can you help your children get to know your grandparents?

People have an inner desire to save memories of past experiences with loved ones. Memories are like a time travel machine that allow us to relive special moments that we cherish dearly. Looking at photos, journals, and other records can give us a sense of belonging and a better understanding of who we are today and what took brought us to where we are now.

That is why family memories are so important. These memories help us preserve our culture and see how our families have changed over time. They allow us to keep the past, present, and future connected. They also help us remember the lives of lost loved ones and help us feel as if our loved ones were here again.

RootsTech is here to share some tools and tips about how to document and share your family photos and memories. There are many ways to do it — from digitizing photos or collecting cooking recipes, to recording audios or keeping a journal. Take a look at some of the following classes to discover a new world of opportunities to preserve your photos and memories.

Discover How to Preserve your Family Memories

Learn how to tell your family history and leave your personal legacy in a short Memory Book using a simple Word document.
How do we keep and secure the amazing records, documents, and artifacts we collect? Learn some techniques to take the clutter, organize it, and begin preserving memories using various digital and organization tools.
Your personal history is part of your ongoing family history. Learn family storytelling tips that will help others enjoy your stories as much as you do.
Learn how to save your family memories easily (and for free) on This short video also gives you some examples of fun and unique ways to capture your story.
Learn how gathering and sharing family memories can help heal family rifts and bring family members closer.
What constitutes a memory? And how do you record it in a way that lasts for generations? Learn the principles behind digital records preservation.

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