Finding Answers about Temple Ordinance Policies


As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participating in temple and family history, you may have questions about temple ordinance policies. Others may ask you questions as well. How can you learn everything you need to know?

The good news is that you have an easy way to find answers to temple ordinance policies.

FamilySearch has gathered common questions on temple ordinances and policies into one place. As shown on the image below, a list of questions appears on the left. As you click a question, an article appears on the right with the answer. Each article also includes links to more information.

a screenshot of the Familysearch Common Questions

You may find it helpful to read the answer to each question to become familiar with them all. Don’t worry about memorizing all the details; by knowing where to find answers, you will know where to go when you need them. You may even consider bookmarking the page for future reference.

What if you have a question that isn’t included on the page? You can try several other resources:

If you feel an important question is missing from the common questions site, you can suggest that it be added by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the Feedback link.

Over time, your knowledge and skills will grow—but there will always be more to learn. So, don’t worry about knowing everything; when you know how to find answers, you know enough.

About the Author
Kathryn is a writer, teacher, and family history enthusiast. Her specialty is mentoring new family historians and helping them find success—and maybe even avoid some of the mistakes she's made. She believes that with the right guidance, everyone can learn to love and do family history.