How Can I Prepare for RootsTech 2022?

Mother and daughter enjoying RootsTech 2022 online.

RootsTech is approaching fast, and we are only a few days away! Can you believe it? And this year's online conference is sure to be better than ever. During RootsTech 2022, you will have the opportunity to watch inspirational speakers on the main stage, enjoy great learning opportunities, and interact with vendors from around the globe. You can also chat with other attendees, discover the latest innovations and techniques in the genealogy field, and find new relatives and connections with people around you and with people from different parts of the world. With all these exciting opportunities, many of you have asked us how YOU can prepare for RootsTech. Well, here are some ideas to get you started!

Create Your FamilySearch Account

To have the best viewing and participation experience at RootsTech 2022, we recommend having a FamilySearch account. This will help you interact and chat with other attendees during the conference. Once you have your account, start populating your family tree! The bigger your family tree is, the more chances you will have to see how you're related to others participating in RootsTech and even find out if you are related to some of our keynote speakers! If you don't have an account, you can create one for free here.

Man watching RootsTech videos from the comfort of his own home.

Get Comfortable!

We have so many things prepared for you at RootsTech 2022! There will be courses available in 42 languages, as well as speeches from inspiring keynote speakers on the main stage, the latest industry news, tips on the expo hall, and much more. To help, we interviewed our RootsTech team and asked for their suggestions on how to prepare for the conference, and this is what they shared:

Heidi said, "Get lots and lots of sleep. This conference will be 3 days, and you are going to want to be awake for it.”

Emily told us, “While you're going to be able to see the presenters, they're not going to be able to see you at all. So feel free to get comfortable! Chew some gum if you want, wear your heart-shaped pajamas, and even if you get a little tired in the middle, feel free to get up, take a break, and then come right back. They will never know!”

Brandon suggested, "If it's been more than 2 hours and you haven't seen sunshine, please get outside and take a little walk. I also like to keep some weights next to me so I can, you know, build muscle and do 2 things at once. So just be active! Do something to keep that blood flowing.”

Haley said, "Make sure you have lots of snacks and water and your favorite drink right next to you. This is going to be a great conference. You'll want to stay fueled, hydrated, and energized through the whole thing.”

And last but not least, Mike told us, “I would say the best thing is to get comfortable. I watch RootsTech on my couch. I have my computer connected to my big-screen TV, so I'm ready to watch in comfort. I also have my very soft, fuzzy blanket that will keep me warm and comfortable, and that's what you need to do—stay comfortable.”

Woman comfortable on couch on

To sum up: just get comfortable to start enjoying all that RootsTech has to offer! Snuggle up with your best browsing device, comfortable clothing, and your favorite snacks.

Questions? We Can Help!

As you know, RootsTech 2022 will be a 100% free virtual event, which means that there will be lots of content on our new website. So take the time you need to get familiar with the site. And remember, all the content will be on right when the conference starts. That way, you can build your playlist for the 3-day event and settle in for a weekend of great learning and inspiration.

If you have any questions or it seems too much information to digest, don’t worry! We have an army of people that can help you! Feel free to bring your questions and roadblocks and get free online help in discovering your family story. You can reserve a private session or try our brand new chat, where you will be able to speak with other attendees, the speakers themselves, or FamilySearch employees who can help you with a wide variety of issues and questions.

Woman enjoying RootsTech 2022 in her pajamas at home.

Enjoy as Much as You Want!

As you already know, RootsTech will be on March 3 through 5. We will have over 1,500 class sessions and videos in 42 different languages, nearly 100 exhibitors, and millions of participants. But don’t feel overwhelmed. The great news is that the content will stay on for a whole year! So don't worry if you don't have time to see all you want before March 5; it will still be available for you to watch at your convenience.

We can’t wait to see you there! And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, where we'll be sharing fun highlights from the conference.

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