Our Quest for Connection


Welcome to Our Quest for Connection—a RootsTech experience designed for youth and young adults to connect with each other, relatives, friends and their ancestors! Read on to learn what Our Quest for Connection is and how you can participate.


We’ve created a series of 10 challenges—each with a different theme—that participants are invited to complete in a way that makes sense for their circumstances and schedule. Each challenge has multiple ideas on how to participate. There is something for everyone—no matter age, technology access, interests, etc. Participants can expect to find ideas like cooking a favorite family meal, reconnecting with an old friend, and recreating family photos.

Social Media

We also encourage youth and young adults to share their experiences completing challenges by publicly posting about them on social media using #QuestforConnection. This is a great opportunity to connect with other youth and young adults around the world participating in the challenges!


As part of the experience we have the Our Quest for Connection wrap-up broadcast, featuring youth and young adults around the world along with Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, Brother Steven J. Lund, and Elder David A. Bednar.

David A Bednar

Ideas for Leaders

Parents and leaders are invited to use the challenges and wrap-up broadcast for use in youth activities, family home evenings, ward activities, or however they best see fit. Here are some ideas:

  • Invite your youth or young adult groups to individually participate in a challenge of their choice and then come together to discuss their experiences at a day/time that you see fit.
  • Invite your youth or young adults to come together to complete the same challenge virtually or in person, as permitted locally.
  • You could start with the wrap-up broadcast as a kick-off to completing challenges or wrap-up your experience with the broadcast!
  • Encourage sharing – whether with their families, friends, youth/young adult groups, or even on social media to connect with other youth and young adults around the world also participating in the challenges!

Challenge accepted? Let’s go!

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